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Communications with Olivier Silla Head of Unit B2 -Transport Investment, European Commission DG Mobility and transport

I am happy to share a brief communication with:

Olivier Silla
Head of Unit B2 -Transport Investment
European Commission DG Mobility and transport

I shall share possible new communications,

this is my original email:

Subject: Infrastructures in the south of Italy
Dear Sirs,
I appreciate the commission’s supports for the development of sustainable mobility, notwithstanding the south of Italy only cares about roads, cablecar, and camion while railways are stuck for decades, and this even if projects like those at are there and well known.

It would be therefore great if you took a more active stance to convince governors in Italy to stop wasting money into enterprises doomed to turn to nothing, if the objective of decarbonisation is to be taken seriously.

Thanks for your attention

Mr. Silla's answer:
Dear Mr Bartolomucci,
Thank you very much for your e-mail, your interest in the transport policy and your attention to the development of a more sustainable transport sector.
In the new financial framework 2021-2027, our sector will face new challenges and important efforts will be required to all actors involved. In this framework, the EU programmes proposed by the Commission will play a key role to support public and private stakeholders towards a sustainable transition and achieving the 2050 climate goals outlined in the European Green Deal communication.
Please rest assured that the Commission will continue to support Member States for sustainable transport investments. In particular, programmes such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) aim at strongly contributing to climate objectives leading to an important shift of paradigm for the transport sector privileging sustainable transport modes and in particular railway transport.   
Kind regards
Olivier Silla
Head of Unit B2 -Transport Investment
European Commission DG Mobility and transport
Rue De Mot 28 1040 Brussels Tel: +"

My further answer:

"Dear Mr. Olivier,

the only major problem is that, in order to collect those funds, local administrations should write formal projects for what it is needed in their territories. But this a very steep path, given the staff in those, especially in Calabria, needing most those infrastructures, is entirely composed of so called LSU’s (socially useful workers) possessing no skills, but to dumbly follow strict procedures and collect the end of month wage.
This is composed by the fact all administrators in Calabria, notwithstanding the European Green Deal and such, insist in spending their money for roads, perhaps in order to finance their friends and kinsmen, by giving each slice to a particular family.
Occasionally judges get interested in cousins of governors providing for the material to build roads. Most recently that happened in Vibo Valentia with the cousin of presidente Salvatore Solano, that still insists in wanting to build road and ignore railways.
This most probably happens because it is very hard to get bribes or political support from railway infrastructures respect to roads.
This is particularly dangerous as ‘Ndrangheta’s mouth is already watering for those funds, if they succeed in routing them to roads, perhaps hinting to the fact they shall be used by electric cars.
So I would suggest you to be careful about what this money is given for, we do not need a big resurgence of Mafia in Italy, thanks to Europe, as we had in the ‘50s thanks to USA!

Best regards

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